Tuesday, December 17, 2019

Breast Milk vs Formula - 898 Words

71% of American Woman breastfeed their babies. After a few months only 2/3 of women who breastfeed stop. Many women in industrialized nations, such as the United States, find breast feeding to be inconvenient and time consuming. Babies who are breastfed become hungry often. Approximately every one and a half to two hours a baby is hungry again. However, forumla fed babies only get hungry every 3 to 4 hours. With a busy work schdule many women feel that formula is a good alternative to breast milk. However, in early infancy nothing can replace breast milk. Breast milk is the natural food suitable for all the babies needs. Formula, on the other hand, tries to imitate it. Breast milk is the most positive and natural way to feed†¦show more content†¦Finally, the most important aspect of breast feeding is the confidence the mother gains. The ability to nourish the baby completely gives the mother a feeling of acomplishment and the ability to realize they can take care of all their babys needs and wants. Although it appears that breastmilk is the most beneficial way of feeding an infant but there are some negativies to breastfeeding. First of all, women must carefully watch their diet that breastfeed. Women who drink a lot of coffee or soda pop can make their baby more prone to irritability and restlessness. Women also have to be careful not to eat to much fish or drink to much alchol. A formula fed babys mom doesnt have to worry about what she eats at all. Secondly, women suffering from HIVS and AIDS may make breast feedings unsafe. Medications they take can actually harm the baby. Finally, many women feel the latch-on to be uncomfortable. Pain is common within the first minute but some women find it uncomfortable throughout the whole feeding. This is a sign of infection and a mother would be advised to switch to formula feeding. In conclusion, breast milk is the natural feeder for babies. However, in present day it is not uncommon to see babies being formula fed. Breas t milk is the ideal food for babies and should be the babies food source for the first six months. As stated there can be complications with breast feeding that makes formula a more reliableShow MoreRelatedBreast Feding vs. Formula Feeding862 Words   |  4 PagesBreast Feeding vs. Formula Feeding There are advantages and disadvantages to both breastfeeding and formula feeding. Some things to consider when deciding which to choose are: cost, convenience, nutrition, and the health benefits to both the baby and to the mother. In terms of cost, an advantage to breastfeeding is that breast milk is free. Its estimated that breastfeeding can save you thousands of dollars a year, depending on the brand of formula that would have been used instead. 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