Tuesday, November 12, 2019

Nvq Business and Admine Lv2 Unit 680

Improve Own Performance in a Business Environment CU681 1. 1 There are a number of guidelines and procedures in place to enable me to do my job not only to the best of my ability but in a professional manner. there are procedures that need to be followed relating to various aspects of the job including correct procedures to greet visitors, answer the telephone, dealing with incoming and outgoing mail, data protection, booking meeting rooms aswell as other procedures. 1. 2 If we plan our work we can be more efficient. We have to set priorities in order to do most important things first.If we are accountable to others for our own work we are more responsible for the work we do. 1. 3 The purpose for agreeing realistic targets for work is to keep everyone on task and focused on accomplishing a target that is obtainable and not out of reach. By doing this everyone can contribute effectively and reach targets more efficiently. 1. 4 Agreeing realistic targets should be based on your abilty to complete work and also time should be tken into account. 1. 5 To plan work to meet agreed deadlines you should first priotise what is more important and less import and set aside more time fore the more important work. . 6 Keeping other people informed about the progress of your work is important so that others know tht deadlines will be kept, if you are behind on work others can step in to help so tht targets are met . 1. 7 Lettings other people know tht work plans have been changed is important because the changes made in your work may affect other peoples work, if they haven’t been informed this could lead to confusions and ultiemtly missing targets. 1. 8 The types of problems that may occur during your work are: – computer crashing – work not getting saved – power cuts photocopier runs out of toner – photocopier runs out paper. include 1. 9 You should try to resolve problems yourself if you are not able to do this you should inform a work co lleague and ask for assistance 1. 10 The purpose and benefits of recognising and learning from mistakes are that you learn to not make these mistakes again and also recognise a a mistake much easier and faster. 2. 1 It is extremely important as a member of staff to set high standards for yourself. Your Line Manager will see you as someone who challenges themselves and you will be recognised for the right reasons. . 2 It is important to set high standards for work because it will help you to do the best you can and help you get recognised at work in a positive way. When high standards are set, it can always be a challenge and make you want to achieve it. 2. 3 It is important to take on new challenges and adapt to changes because nothing ever stays the same, things are always changing which means unless you can adapt and change too you will be stuck doing the same things which could then make your life a lot harder than it needs to be. . 4 It is important to take on new challenges and adapt to changes because nothing ever stays the same, things are always changing which means unless you can adapt and change too you will be stuck doing the same things which could then make your life a lot harder than it needs to be. 2. 5 There are many benefits to treating others with honesty, respect and consideration. The main one is that you will build an excellent working relationship with your colleagues which will lead to efficient work.Another benefit is for your own personal wellbeing as dishonesty, disrespect and a lack of consideration for others can be stressful leading to sickness in the workplace. 2. 6 One's behaviour is vital to the workplace because every person plays an important role in the community. One person's negative outlook can disrupt the progress of those around that person. The workplace can immediately become a hostile environment due to the action or attitude of a single person. 2. 7Ideal types of behaviour that display honesty, respect, and considera tion are listening to others' ideas and providing thoughtful feedback, being sensitive to the needs of others, seeking a solution that will benefit all, cooperating with co-workers, treating others fairly and with dignity, among many others. Some negative behaviour are belittling co-workers, isolating oneself from the community, ignoring the opinions of others, having a selfish attitude, seeking for self advancement while disregarding the efforts of others, and spreading false information about others are other incorrect ways of conducting oneself.

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