Tuesday, November 26, 2019
Experiencing Architecture essays
Experiencing Architecture essays This assignment is about focusing on examples of good and bad architecture. However, how can one determine what is good architecture and what is bad architecture? Good architecture, is that, which serves its purpose in which it was designed. Good architecture is also determined in how it is utilized and maintained. On the other hand, examples of bad architecture include, not serving its purpose, in which it was designed, and not being well maintained. In this assignment I chose two buildings that I thought was an example of good architecture and one that I thought was an example of bad architecture. The leasing office of Palmetto South Apartments is an example of bad architecture and Palmetto South Apartment complex is an example of good architecture. The leasing office of Palmetto South Apartments is an example of bad architecture for several reasons: climate control in the laundry room and the usage of space within the building. Because the laundry room has a tendency to get extremely hot, there are not any ways that are devised to allow the heat to get out. This causes the laundry room to become very uncomfortable when students go into retrieve their clothes or leave them to be washed. This excessive amount of heat causes the room to become very humid which also causes the floors to become slippery. Because the floors are wet from the humidity someone could easily slip and fall, in turn, becoming injured. The other factor in determining this building as an example of bad architecture was the usage of the space inside. There are two rooms in particular that have good reasons they were created, but are not utilized. The lobby/ receptionist area is designed for people to sit while waiting to speak with a RA (resident ass istant) or the owner of the complex, but very seldom do people us that area. The other room is the recreation room. This room is designed for students who resi ...
Saturday, November 23, 2019
Perfectionists Read This! There is No Getting It Right!
Perfectionists Read This! There is No Getting It Right! You can please some of the people some of the time. A few months ago, I received a call from a potential client who told me he had almost decided not to call me because he did not like my website. My immediate response, as a lifelong perfectionist, was to think, â€Å"I need to fix this!†I asked him to tell me more about what he didn’t like. I looked at some other web sites he said he did like. I even spoke to my web designers about what it would take to redesign my site to be more Web 2.0. Then I took a step back. This was one person. One potential client. I have no way of knowing exactly how many other people are not calling, which is what scared me and made me think I should make changes. But other people were calling me and telling me they chose my company over many others on the web because they were so impressed with my web site! Some of them even purchased my highest-value packages. Given these realities, my business coaches suggested that redesigning my site was not the best choice of investments right now. With the benefit of wisdom and reason, I decided to wait before making any major changes and to make some minor tweaks to my existing site instead. My site is performing just fine, imperfect though it is. If you are a job seeker, take this story to heart. On a conference call this month entitled â€Å"Debunking Resume Myths,†one of the participants, a resume writer, shared an enlightening story about one of her clients (I’ll call him Jim). Resume in hand, Jim began applying for positions locally. One company, which was not well-regarded in the area, criticized the resume for being too polished. Jim was undeterred and kept applying for positions using his spiffed up resume. Not long after the first company’s criticism, another company, with a reputation as an excellent place to work, complimented Jim on his decision to invest in a professionally-written resume. This company ultimately hired him, and he remains in his new position today. If Jim had spent his time trying to get it right, changing his resume every time anyone did not like it, he might have missed out on applying for a job he wanted. We have a winner! These stories prove that no matter what decisions you make with your resume, personal statements or written documents of any kind, some people will like the finished product and some will not. The best advice I can give is to create a document that you feel best represents who you are; the right company, school or client will appreciate the way you present yourself and act on their opinion! Sometimes sticking to your gunsand not striving for impossible perfectiontakes courage and patience. Sometimes you might discover after a period of time that you truly have missed the mark and need to do something differently. But if you give your best shot a chance to reap rewards, you have an excellent chance of coming out a winner. Do you have a story of a time when one person criticized your document or presentation and another person (besides your mom) loved it? Please share below.
Thursday, November 21, 2019
Schools, Teaching, and Supervision Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Schools, Teaching, and Supervision - Essay Example My supervisory platform will be based on the philosophy of experimentalism because on a personal level, I believe in the importance of co-operation and team work under a centralized leadership, as opposed to an authoritarian system. As an educational leader, a supervisor’s role is very important but complicated, necessitating the need for input from the various stakeholders in the education process in order to ensure that the output is both comprehensive and current. Even though many people do not like acknowledging this fact, leaders are guided to a large extent by their own beliefs and that is why experimentalism is core. According to Fairfield, a supervisory platform founded on the philosophy of experimentalism is best because of the volatile nature of information and innovation. Technological advancements have had a significant effect on the overall way by which teachers are used in classrooms and how students acquire information. For example, the emergence of the internet as an education tool has impacted on the student-teacher relationship. In the former epochs, the teacher was viewed as more of a provider of knowledge. However, nowadays, the teachers are viewed as being as being supervisors in the classroom, responsible for guiding the way that students acquire information, through the aid of a supervisor, who is responsible for setting up an educational curriculum (Fairfield, 2009). The internet and other technological advancements have challenged the conventional responsibility of teachers, since students can easily and conveniently acquire information on any subject due to the accessibility of educational material on an online platform. Consequently, this has necessitated the need for a more radical approach regarding the role of the teacher and that of a supervisor. That is why my personal supervisory platform will be based on experimentalism, which places emphasis on a more pragmatic approach to learning by focusing on a flexible curriculum for
Tuesday, November 19, 2019
Explain why individuals should specify investment goals and understand Essay
Explain why individuals should specify investment goals and understand sources of risk and return Define basic investing terminology - Essay Example Mutual funds on the other hand are collective funds in which individual contributions are pooled together as one and invested in a financial instrument. Mutual funds are less risky since the risk is diversified between owners and different instruments. Mutual funds are invested in buying stocks, currency exchange and bonds. Bonds on the other hand, are units of debt held by an individual for claim against an invested amount. Bond is a form of lending that earns interest to the holder.The company is expected to pay interest yield upon maturity of the agreement. An annuity refers to yearly payments or receipts on an investment while dividends are shares of profits divided amongst shareholders at the end of a trading period according to the number of shares owned. Before investing, it is important to understand the goal for investment. This allows you or an investment advisor to suggest the best investment plan for your plans since different investments have different return spreads and risk. In knowing your goals, it will also allow one to know their risk appetite before investment. The main reason of understanding the source of risk is to enable one know where to invest in order to diversify their investment portfolio. It helps one avoid placing their eggs in the same basket to avoid losses. In my watch list I have listed Coca- Cola ( KO), ExxonMobil ( XOM) ,Merck ( MRK) Tupperware ( TUP), Washington Real Estate Investment Trust ( WRE),Apple Inc.(AAPL),Twenty first Century Fox(FOXA),American Airlines(AAL),Bank of America(BAC) and Google Inc.(GooG).Coca-Cola is the leading supplier of soft drinks yet to be rivalled in the world by any company which makes it a safe company to invest in for it goodwill and market share. Bank of America and Apple Inc. have entered into a partnership for the apple pay mobile service. The new product is set to boost performance of both stocks as demand for the new product increases. With the launch of the new Apple 6
Sunday, November 17, 2019
Assignment 1 Essay Example for Free
Assignment 1 Essay Professor Identify the pros and cons of the partnership as a form of ownership. Discuss funding options for small businesses. Determine and discuss how managerial accounting can help managers with product costing, incremental analysis and budgeting. Discuss the basic components of the marketing process using a product or service of your choice as an example. Discuss the roles of social responsibility and technology in the marketing function. A partnership as a form of ownership is formed quite simply. When two or more people get together and come to an agreement on what type of business to take part in, then all parties share investment, profit, and of course loss. Lets discuss the pros and cons ofa partnership. Pros, one of the many things all investors would like to see out weight the cons in anything they are engaged in mentally, physically, and of course financially. First of all, one pro would be how easy it is to create a partnership. You simply get with at least one other person come to an agreement over all the business details, and BAM you have a partnership. Some people are comfortable in erbal agreements but I personally would suggest you get all your partnership details on a written legal document Just in case. Funding is another advantage toa partnership. When two or more people come together to form a business partnership money is invested from all parties involved in turn the business has a stronger financial backing to support it. Not only will the business have a strong financial backing all partners invested may have access to outside money to support the business even further along. One of the best advantages in being in a business partnership is shared responsibility. Shared responsibility is crucial in a successful business and of course partnership. When the business starts to get a bit heavy you can hand it to your partner or partners to carry the work load for a while. You can also look to your partners for moral support when you may think things arent going as stated in your business plan. So far we have heard the pros ofa business partnership but like every bandage that fixes that painful spot you eventually have to pull it off. Cons, the opposite of Pro, the many things that all business investors need to know before investing but never want to hear. You may be thinking since it was a breeze to create this business partnership the rest will come as a breeze. You could your mind; everyone who is a partner is liable for all debts. You and your partners are all Jointly or individually liable for all debts accumulated by the business. For example, lets say your partner or partners are taking the profits the business is making and gambling with it. Your partners blow away all the profits on poker games and skip town what then, thats right you are still liable for any debt accumulated by the business. Another obvious con is your business partners will want to share the rofits made by the business. You cant assume when the business makes profit everyone will agree on saving it. Your partner or partners may want to buy cars, houses, or maybe boats. You dont have total control of the business. Business decisions are made Jointly not on your own. You may run into disagreements that in turn create the other partner to leave the business, or even lead to buying out the other partner. Pros and cons are a great way to see if youre the, partner type, if so make sure you pick the right partner or partners for your business. There are many ther factors in owning and running a business. For example, in order to get your business off the ground you have to find the money to do so. Debt financing is one way you can start up your business. Debt financing is simply going to a bank that knows you have good credit, a good standing history with them, and apply for a small business loan. In the current economy most banks can be very hesitant to offer you the loan so another way is equity. Selling a share of your business meaning you arent solely in charge or will now be sharing the profits may be scary, but it can help you start up your business. After starting up your business you now have to manage the business or appoint someone for the Job. Managing the accounting is a great way to stay on top of product cost, and budgeting. Managerial accounting is detailed data used for inside members of a company. Managerial accounting includes things like cost of the product, cost of shipping, cost of employee benefits, cost of turnover, basically every number available to you and your partners. You can determine if you have the budget to raise wages for your employees to boost employee morale. Each business owner can use the data to do their Job better. You can go to your losses data and determine if your employees are stealing from you. Then determine how much more security you will need in order to prevent product loss. If you or your manager for your business needs to determine if their product was set at the right price they could view the sales data to see if the supply met the demand. If you see that one of your items hasnt been selling very well you can set it at a lower price or you can Just order less of such product. If you see you sold a lot of a particular product you can raise the price as you see fit. You now know if you are the partner ype, you know a couple ways to possibly fund your business, and you know how to manage your data and budget. How are you going to get costumers through your door or buying your product? How will you market yourself? Lets use my dream business as an example. I would like to open up a caf © lounge that serves fair trade coffee, craft beer, and fine wines. In order for me to make any kind of better profit for my business I have to market my business. You have to give the people what they want in my case I would produce amazing cups of coffee. My business would offer a coffee with better taste, and appeal. My coffee would be made with love and not thrown at you in the pickup line simultaneously saying, NEXT. My caf © lounge would major downtown street. Location is important for my caf © lounge so doing a little research of the area by visiting throughout all times of the day to see the amount of traffic the area receives is crucial. Then maybe you can ask around the nearby stores to see if customers purchase a lot of coffee. You can even go to the nearest coffee shop and see what coffee and vibe they offer and simply ask the locals what kind of coffee they like or would like to drink in what kind of atmosphere. After finding your target market, a great location, building your business, affordable product pricing, and setting your hours of operation it is time to promote your business. You can put ads in the local newspaper, ads in local magazines, and maybe even do a commercial broadcast in the tri county area. You will have to set your product apart from all the other competitors. For me coffee is all about personality, process, and taste. In order to retain customers your employees have to be personable, professional, and building customer relationships. Then theres process, customers will see you make heir drink every step of the way making it an enjoyable experience. Lastly is taste, my employees being highly trained baristas will make you a drink to your satisfaction in a timely fashion all the while maintaining a welcoming atmosphere for my caf © lounge. Having the best tasting coffee and vibe may do Justice but for long term business it may not be enough this is when you bring in the events. Doing special events with your business such as charities, open mic nights, acoustic Jam sessions, and book clubs is a great way to attract more customers and maintain current ones. Internet is your best friend. Creating a website for your business is an amazing marketing play. It allows your customers to have 2417 access to information, and product choices. You can post updates on new product arrivals, special events, and specific information for each product you offer. The best part about having a website is they can look you up anywhere in the world that offers internet. Another great marketing strategy is purchasing ad space on other websites like a grocery franchise or sports sites. Green marketing is another great way to market your business. Customers love knowing your business is eco friendly by recycling, or using recycled aterial. By simply pushing customers to buy coffee to drink in house rather than take away conserves paper cups in turn less garbage. If customers choose to take to go anyways inform the customers all your paper products are recycled and recyclable. Offering organic treats to eat along with their coffee can promote a green business as well. In the end knowing everything there is to build, manage, and market your business your goal is to have long term profitability. You want to exceed customer satisfaction, you want to blow away the competition, and be prepared for even harder competition in the future.
Thursday, November 14, 2019
Music Television: Modern Phenomenon or Passing Fad? Essay -- Media Mus
Music Television: Modern Phenomenon or Passing Fad?  Dr. Pitton’s Comments: This student was asked in this essay to write about the causes of a modern phenomena. In active prose, she did an excellent job both of detailing the popularity of music television in today's society and offering a variety of creative and innovative reasons for this effect.  MTV promotes a romanticized teen lifestyle, reflecting the images of famous artists that differ with the realities of the â€Å"Generation X†lifestyle. While some view the station as â€Å"illustrated radio†or an entertainment network for viewers’ pleasure, others more accurately consider it as an advertising enterprise that endorses products and promotes attitudes (O’Neil 12). Whether or not MTV critics agree with these â€Å"messages†that, the network sends out, it has become a huge franchise generating large profits and great popularity. MTV’s entertainment, commercialism, and messages satisfy and influence many types of viewers, giving us, the viewing audience, a better understanding of the immense popularity of Music Television (MTV). As the entertainment mogul, MTV jumpstarted careers and dictated nearly every move in pop-culture. Its â€Å"children†range from Madonna to Britney Spears. With 1988’s â€Å"Yo! MTV Raps,†it brought hip-hop into the mainstream; with 1992’s â€Å"The Real World,†it laid the groundwork for reality television. By the mid-80’s, as group of competitors enticed MTV’s young audience, the network reinvented itself. The anchor in 1987 was the pop-trivia show â€Å"Remote Control.†Even with all the shows that have stemmed out of MTV, their music videos are still a major priority. Commercialism is as showing too much regard for pro... ...ie Allen says, â€Å"MTV made us look at the sound of music†(83). Works Cited Allen, Bonnie. â€Å"The 1980’s.†Essence Dec. 1989: 82-84 Daspin, Eileen. â€Å"Davis Horowitz: I Want My MTV†Management Review Oct.1985: 19-20. Denisoff, R. Serge. Inside MTV. New Brunswick: Transaction Publishers, 1989. Dupler, Steven. â€Å"New MTV Prez: No Big Changes Planned At Channel.†Billboard 27 May 1989: 55. Hamerlinck, John. â€Å"MTV and Morality.†The Humanist Jan./Feb. 1995: 43. Hedegaard, Erik. â€Å"New MTV Channel Aims For Older Audience.†Rolling Stone 11 Oct. 1984: 38. Newman, Melinda. â€Å"MTV Spreads The News.†Billboard 18 Feb. 1989: 55. ---. â€Å"MTV Taking A Harder Look At Vids?†Billboard 18 Nov. 1989: 1. Smith, Glenn. â€Å"MTV Parlors.’ Popular in Taiwan.†Billboard 16Sep. 1989: 63. â€Å"Viacom Buys MTV.†Fortune 30 Sep. 1985:10-11.
Tuesday, November 12, 2019
Nvq Business and Admine Lv2 Unit 680
Improve Own Performance in a Business Environment CU681 1. 1 There are a number of guidelines and procedures in place to enable me to do my job not only to the best of my ability but in a professional manner. there are procedures that need to be followed relating to various aspects of the job including correct procedures to greet visitors, answer the telephone, dealing with incoming and outgoing mail, data protection, booking meeting rooms aswell as other procedures. 1. 2 If we plan our work we can be more efficient. We have to set priorities in order to do most important things first.If we are accountable to others for our own work we are more responsible for the work we do. 1. 3 The purpose for agreeing realistic targets for work is to keep everyone on task and focused on accomplishing a target that is obtainable and not out of reach. By doing this everyone can contribute effectively and reach targets more efficiently. 1. 4 Agreeing realistic targets should be based on your abilty to complete work and also time should be tken into account. 1. 5 To plan work to meet agreed deadlines you should first priotise what is more important and less import and set aside more time fore the more important work. . 6 Keeping other people informed about the progress of your work is important so that others know tht deadlines will be kept, if you are behind on work others can step in to help so tht targets are met . 1. 7 Lettings other people know tht work plans have been changed is important because the changes made in your work may affect other peoples work, if they haven’t been informed this could lead to confusions and ultiemtly missing targets. 1. 8 The types of problems that may occur during your work are: – computer crashing – work not getting saved – power cuts photocopier runs out of toner – photocopier runs out paper. include 1. 9 You should try to resolve problems yourself if you are not able to do this you should inform a work co lleague and ask for assistance 1. 10 The purpose and benefits of recognising and learning from mistakes are that you learn to not make these mistakes again and also recognise a a mistake much easier and faster. 2. 1 It is extremely important as a member of staff to set high standards for yourself. Your Line Manager will see you as someone who challenges themselves and you will be recognised for the right reasons. . 2 It is important to set high standards for work because it will help you to do the best you can and help you get recognised at work in a positive way. When high standards are set, it can always be a challenge and make you want to achieve it. 2. 3 It is important to take on new challenges and adapt to changes because nothing ever stays the same, things are always changing which means unless you can adapt and change too you will be stuck doing the same things which could then make your life a lot harder than it needs to be. . 4 It is important to take on new challenges and adapt to changes because nothing ever stays the same, things are always changing which means unless you can adapt and change too you will be stuck doing the same things which could then make your life a lot harder than it needs to be. 2. 5 There are many benefits to treating others with honesty, respect and consideration. The main one is that you will build an excellent working relationship with your colleagues which will lead to efficient work.Another benefit is for your own personal wellbeing as dishonesty, disrespect and a lack of consideration for others can be stressful leading to sickness in the workplace. 2. 6 One's behaviour is vital to the workplace because every person plays an important role in the community. One person's negative outlook can disrupt the progress of those around that person. The workplace can immediately become a hostile environment due to the action or attitude of a single person. 2. 7Ideal types of behaviour that display honesty, respect, and considera tion are listening to others' ideas and providing thoughtful feedback, being sensitive to the needs of others, seeking a solution that will benefit all, cooperating with co-workers, treating others fairly and with dignity, among many others. Some negative behaviour are belittling co-workers, isolating oneself from the community, ignoring the opinions of others, having a selfish attitude, seeking for self advancement while disregarding the efforts of others, and spreading false information about others are other incorrect ways of conducting oneself.
Saturday, November 9, 2019
Project Management Recommendation Essay
In response it is to your previous E-mail with the attention of the projects of Juniper, Palomino and Stargazer. The team is found and analyzed the three projects, assessed the risk that each project contains as well as returns on investment (ROI). There are many aspects one should think over when performing an investment decision. These may include the hypothesis of underlying the potential benefits and the ability to calculate and quantify the costs and benefits. However, the team concluded Stargazer Project in the best option comparing to other two projects. The logic behind for not selecting the other two projects is that juniper’s risk of completion of the project on time is low. While is Palomino not valued at with the medium risk of completion and the uncertainty of the costs of the products. The procedure used for reaching the decision was by utilizing the feasibility study. In addition to that, the feasibility study was based on the information observed the team durin g the initial stage of the project. This will define and summarize the findings of these projects in a way that supports sound decision making. The reason of introducing the feasibility study is to provide reliable analysis for the project that will make sense to the company in general. Furthermore, it will answer several important questions concerning of the project these may include length of the project, benefits and risks and Return on investment (ROI) to Piper Industries. Introducing the feasibility study for both Juniper and Palomino projects, materials introduced would not present as with the Stargazer model. Although is Stargazer carries the highest risk comparing the other projects. The team believes bases on the analysis that it provides accommodation for the project to perform high-risk, high- reward. After the actual risk of the project has been acknowledged, the project team estimates the risk based on the probability that may likely happen, and the possible loss related with the project. To mitigate the risk the team will search an alternative to reduce the operating costs as its forecasted the derivative product will cost more. The fundamental decision of the big- picture is what mix of projects is best for the organization. A company must have the right mix of the projects that extremely assists the company’s strategy. This can be aligned Stargazer model because of the research and the development previously started for the new widgets as well the significant changes that will provide modern markets. (Jacobs & Chase, 2011). Break- Even Analysis Break – even analysis helps to provide reliable information between sales and profits as well as the costs. It also contributes an analysis the amount of success of the project must achieve. Finally, the approach presents to organizations a benchmark to compare a process or a project to what level of operating leverage will create better profits. However, comparing the projects’ Stargazer is the most likely project that will create the highest revenue. (Jacobs & Chase, 2011) The five phases of project planning A project is a set of activities that normally coordinate toward some major output and planned considerable period of time to carry out. In the meantime, project management is described as planning, directing, and controlling resources, which are the people, equipment and the material in order to meet the technical, cost and the limitations of the project. (Jacobs & Chase, 2011), There are five distinctive phases in project management that imply the stargazer model. First-Phase is the Project Conception and Initiation. The focal point of this phase is to secure the project that it is demonstrated into practical and will benefit the Piper Industries Corp. Second phase is project definition and planning. During this phase, the extent of the project will require an outline so the work which has to be performed is attainable. These may include activities that arrange budgets and timelines. Furthermore, planning incorporates the creation of clear and precise objectives defines the work activities that have to be done in order achieve the planned objective. The purpose may necessitate the achievement of a condition that varies from the present one. Third Phase is the project execution. In this phase, the team must start executing the project against their assigned responsibilities. This phase is where every team member will start the task. It will coordinate the team and the resource to execute the different tasks of the project. Fourth Phase is the project controlling and Monitoring. In this phase of controlling the project manager must start monitoring the situation closely in order to make sure that the tasks are moving as it is planned. There are several ways to control the project this may involve a check – ins with team and more official weekly meeting, together with organized daily stand -ups are considered productive. (Jacobs & Chase, 2011) Project close when all the tasks of the project are approved the firm. The project is officially closed. The manager of the project must organize all the necessary information for future reference. Key Deliverables The Stargazer project is based on the content in order to meet clear deliverable in a matter for the firm to be successful and to consider the project beneficial. Researching and developing new widget and delivering such an innovative product to the market will help in the long-term strategy. References Chase, R. (2011). Operations and supply chain management (13th ed.). Boston, MA McGraw – Hill Irwin .. Jacobs, F. R., & Chase, R. (2011). Operations and supply management (13th ed.). Boston, MA: McGraw-Hill Irwin Project Management Recommendation Email [Multimedia]. Retrieved from University of Phoenix, OPS/571 Operations Management website.
Thursday, November 7, 2019
Nietzsches rejection of traditional morality Essays
Nietzsches rejection of traditional morality Essays Nietzsches rejection of traditional morality Paper Nietzsches rejection of traditional morality Paper He said that people should struggle and work hard In order to assist the society. Leading people who are uncritical and comfortable make leaders to rule undemocratically without fighting for the rights of the people they lead. Caruthers was very hypocritical of leading such people since It allows leaders to rule authoritatively. Do you think there Is a morality of resentment In our society? If so, how has It affected the relationship between leaders and followers? Yes, there is a morality of resentment in our society. Resentment appears to have been provided us by the nature for defense and defense only. It is the protection of justice as well as security of the innocence. It prompts to beat off any mischief that is attempted to be done to people and also retaliates any mischief that is already done. As a result, the offender is compelled to repent of his or her injustices through the fear of being punished. Therefore, resentment has ensured the relationship between leaders and followers within the society is smooth. This is mainly due to the fact that followers will fear that any wrong doings might subject hem to harsh punishments from leaders (Barrow 405). On the other hand, the leaders will be free to execute their duties freely without fear of factorization since they know that everything that they do is as per the established laws and regulations of the land. Therefore, resentment must not be kept aside for wrong doings nor can the followers ever move together when the pressure is too much. Beyond Good and EVil In your own words characterize what Nietzsche calls slave morality and the master morality Nietzsche calls slave morality as basically reactive and negative since it originated in denial of anything that is distinct from it. As a result, it appears outward and therefore Nietzsche said no to any of the aggressive outside forces that oppress and oppose it. On the other hand, Nietzsche calls master morality that It only concerns itself extremely serious with everything that Is outside of It. For Instance, the bad and the low is a late addition and are perceived only as the contrast that shows up more powerfully (Nietzsche 307). Therefore, according to Nietzsche, she observes that whereas both master and slave morality can constitute the formation of the truth, then the master morality does very little on It. Therefore, he sees that slave morality rendered people very dull and stupid In whatever they are doing. Nietzsche thinks that domination and exploitation of the weak by powerful Is a basic fact of all history. By assuming that this belief Is very true; would you actually consider the claim as legality of master morality? It may not claim as a substitute that we need to curd ten antagonistic Impulses Ana also Snell a ten weak: According to me, I would not consider this an argument for the validity of the master morality. This is mainly due to the fact that it disparages slave morality to favor the master morality. Whereas it appears that Nietzsche preferred the barbarians blonde beast to the contemporary Europeans, it is very precise that the ideal is very much far away from the master morality. This is due to the fact that its alignment with the master morality is not consistent with the argument that she never aligned herself with any type of moral systems (Nietzsche 564). Therefore, someone might make an argument that we need to curb our aggressive impulses so as to protect the weak. This is the only way to ensure the validity of the master morality. How much truth do you get in the categorization of Jude-Christian ethic by Nietzsche as a slave morality? There is no truth from Nietzsche characterization of the Jude-Christian ethic as a slave morality. This is due to the fact that slave morality is mainly based on the resentment that is felt towards the big masters and therefore, the world has yielded to the slave moralities that are known as the masters of history. Therefore, he is not right when he said that morality of the paltry people.
Tuesday, November 5, 2019
What Tony Robbinss morning routine can teach you
What Tony Robbinss morning routine can teach you All of us can remember playing â€Å"follow the leader†as kids. We would each watch carefully what the â€Å"leader†did and didn’t do, and we’d do our best to copy them- with the winner being the one who could match the leader’s gestures and behaviors the longest. Did you know that as adults many of us play a version of â€Å"follow the leader†in our daily lives? It’s true! We often pick a leader, usually someone who has achieved certain goals or a level of success in life that we’d like to have, and we do our best to copy what they do, and hope that it ends with us being winners- in life.Playing â€Å"follow the leader†can actually be an effective strategy. It’s similar to having a role model whose habits and behaviors we emulate in an effort to achieve the same goals they have, and sometimes this approach works.If you’re looking for a leader to follow to help you achieve success, you can’t do mu ch better than Tony Robbins- this 57-year-old motivational speaker and life coach is a dynamic force of nature who attacks every facet of his life with a tireless gusto. Robbins doesn’t just dream about a successful future- he spends every waking moment devoted to going after it and making sure his goals are always within reach.Business Insider recently took a look at a day in the life of this influencer. Robbins maintains an intense daily schedule, which takes him all around the world for tours, events, and speaking engagements all year long, and it isn’t uncommon for unexpected activities to pop up and force him to pivot unexpectedly. Therefore, he needs to be able to summon a great deal of energy- both mental and physical- to be able to maintain this pace and still be effective at what he does. It isn’t uncommon for Robbins’ to work 16-hour days and rely on just a few hours of sleep- sometimes as little as 3 hours each night! So, how does he stay energ ized enough to get through a typical day? It all starts from the moment he gets up each morning and begins his morning routine.Let’s take a closer look at Robbins’ admittedly insane early morning routine and discover what you can learn from how this influential leader starts his day.A Tony Robbins morningA typical Robbins morning begins around 7 a.m., often following just a few hours of sleep, with a 10-minute breathing exercise designed to prime his mind and body, and to prepare himself for the day ahead. He then transitions to a state of mindful meditation, in which he mindfully contemplates his goals for the day and allows himself to focus on the things in life that he’s grateful for.Once Tony feels mentally ready, he begins a hardcore physical workout with his personal trainer that features high impact intervals of ultra-intensive bursts of maximum exertion- these workouts typically only last around 15 minutes but are designed to keep his heart rate at a ver y high level, which helps get his body ready for the often long and exhausting day ahead.One his workout is complete, Tony spends a few minutes in a very hot sauna, followed by a quick dip in icy cold water- transitioning between these temperature extremes helps him keep his heart rate up, and it goes a long way towards getting him energized and ready to tackle the coming day. There’s lots of research available that suggests that exercising in the morning contains a wealth of benefits. According to a recent article by The Huffington Post, morning workouts help you stay fit, healthy, and energized longer, and it frees up the rest of your day for productive activity.Robbins brings the same attention to detail to his morning meal as he does his workout routine- a typical breakfast includes a wake-up cocktail full of vitamins, minerals, and key nutrients to jumpstart him, followed by a breakfast high in protein, usually free-range eggs. Once Tony’s mind and body are awake, energized, and properly fueled, he’s ready to move forward and work towards achieving his goals for the day.Key takeawaysSo, while it may be tricky for you to match Tony Robbins’ morning routine exactly, there are some key takeaways for you to think about for your morning routine:Dedication- Robbins never allows himself to â€Å"wimp out†of his morning routine, or make excuses. Starting the day off by allowing laziness or apathy to take control can really set your day off on the wrong foot. Your dedication to overcome all of the challenges you’ll face throughout the day should begin the moment you wake up.Focus- Robbins maintains a rigid and structured morning routine, and he stays on task. He doesn’t let his focus waver or distract him for a moment. This focused mindset carries over into the rest of his day, and helps him face any task and see it through to completion. Your day should start the same way.Energy- It takes energy to achieve your da ily goals without letting exhaustion overtake you, and the core goal of Robbins’ morning routine is to energize his mind, body, and spirit. Whatever your morning routine is, it should center around this primary goal as well- make meal and exercise choices that fuel you, not drain you. What’s more, positive energy is at the heart of Robbins’ morning routine, beginning with an appreciation of his life and all the good things he has surrounding him. Whenever possible, make sure your day starts off on a positive note.Maximize time- If we haven’t already made it abundantly clear, one thing that Robbins’ doesn’t have in abundance is time to waste. That’s why he makes every moment of his morning routine count, so he can get on with the rest of his day as quickly as possible. Your morning routine should maximize your time while getting you energized and setting you up for success. So, while jumping into ice cold pools or high-impact workou ts with a personal trainer may not be part of your morning routine, if you follow a routine that’s healthy and productive, and stay dedicated and focused while making the most of your valuable time, you’ll be setting yourself up with the positive mental and physical energy you’ll need to achieve your own success!
Sunday, November 3, 2019
The Theories of Culture - PETA Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2250 words
The Theories of Culture - PETA - Essay Example From the moment we were born, until the time of our death, culture is the invisible cloak that gives meaning to our world and gives us a constant self-identity. We are the microcosm of the culture that shaped and is shaping our lives. Although we exhibit our own culture every day through our actions and thinking, it is hard to talk about or explain it because it already seems second-nature to us. For example, Americans celebrate Independence Day to commemorate the end of war and oppression, celebrate Thanksgiving with roasted turkey, and celebrate Halloween with kids going door to door for the â€Å"trick or treat†– all these are part of the American tradition. Americans are also pro-democracy and will go to a great extent to fight against tyranny. These traditions and beliefs all seem very natural to an average American that most go about them without question or resistance. They are just the way they are, and they represent the status quo. Our culture defines and dominates us as result of a lifetime of socialization through many cultural institutions (Pearce, 1999). Socialization is important for a culture to survive, so it can pass itself from one generation to the next generation. A culture needs to perpetuate itself and preserve the society and its identity, and it does this by conditioning its members that the culture is natural, normal, good and in their best interests (Pearce, 1999). Children are socialized by their parents or caretakers to behave in a way that is pleasing and socially acceptable. At an early age, they are subjected to authority, to control, to conformity, according to society’s beliefs and practices. In the same principle, teenagers follow the same socialization process but modeling from friends and peer groups rather than from parents. Women too have been socialized to act, think and feel as second-class citizens by the generally paternalistic society, although the advent of feminism is slowly changing this.
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