Saturday, May 23, 2020
The Effects of Media on Body Image and Body Dissatisfaction.
The current study looked to find out whether there were higher numbers of unrealistic adverts in relation to body image in the media than realistic. Also, whether or not there were a higher number of unrealistic adverts in female media in relation to body image than in male media. This was carried out by looking at a number of adverts in different male and female health magazines and scoring the amount of unrealistic or realistic adverts found. The results found that there was no significant difference between the amounts of unrealistic/ realistic adverts on body image in the female magazines compared to the male magazines. On the other hand, the results showed a significant difference between the amount of unrealistic images shown in the†¦show more content†¦The liking and the consumption of red peppers was assessed before and after the experiment. The results showed that the mere exposure based group significantly increased both liking and consumption in contrast to the co ntrol group. Therefore suggesting that the mere exposure theory can cause a person to like a certain stimuli more after repeated exposure. [3] Another study looked at the effects of media images on television and the effects it has on female’s perception of their body image. In this study, the participants were asked how many hours of television they watched a day, then how many of these programmes were ones with characters in that have ‘perfect’ physiques, such as 90210 etc. then the bmi of each participant was taken and was compared with how much television they watched and how much of this television contained media of body images. The results in this study suggested that the media did have an impact on body dissatisfaction. Adolescent girls based their ideal body images on characters on the television that have the ‘perfect skinny’ body image. When the participants questioned their body image after the exposure, it made them feel worse about themselves and strive to have the ‘perfect’ body image. [4] There also seems to be a lot more media in relation to the ‘perfect’ female body image compared to the male body image. Also, a lot more females seem to be known for having eating disorders in the media than males. One study showedShow MoreRelatedThe Effect Of Social Media On Body Image Dissatisfaction2556 Words  | 11 Pagessocial media, self-esteem, diet and sex have on Body Image Dissatisfaction. BSc Psychology, Full-Time, Year 2. Advance Research Methods In Psychology Module: 1PSY501 The influence the social media, self-esteem, diet and sex have on body image dissatisfaction. ABSTRACT The influence the social media, self-esteem, diet and sex have on body image dissatisfaction was investigated using a multiple regression method. The four predictor variables were sex; social media; diet;Read MoreSocial Media Allows People To Share Pictures And Ideas1057 Words  | 5 PagesSocial media allows people to share pictures and ideas with others across the world. Women and girls can use social media to earn approval for their appearance and compare themselves to others. Women during this time period that are so heavily impacted by the media can link their self-worth to their looks. I used scholarly articles all relating to how social media affects body image to decide what my view point was. After research, we can conclude that social media has a negative effect on a woman’sRead MoreEssay about Movie Icons1614 Words  | 7 Pages Back then, the ideal female body is by having a smaller mid-section (e.g. hourglass ideal/corsets). Marilyn Monroe’s tiny wai st and seemingly large bust line triggered female fans to start to engage more on physical activities. The outburst on slender-looking portrayal of body-image began in early 1960s (e.g. Fashion icon, Twiggy). Most western societies experience enormous pressures on individuals to conform and achieve the thin-ideal. This influence by mass-media affects just about anyone includingRead MoreThe Effects Of Media On Body Image1484 Words  | 6 Pages Media has developed to become omnipresent in the day to day lives of the westernized societies. The media is considered a gigantic umbrella that houses a plethora of different outlets underneath it such as television, music videos, magazines, commercials, video games and social media. In this paper, the effects of media and various media types are examined to understand their potential outcomes. Focusing on how and if media affects body image in girls and women, the themes of dieting awarenessRead MoreThe impact of medias representation of ideal body size on attitudes towards own body image952 Words  | 4 Pagesthat the Medias overwhelming representation of thinness has a large contributing factor towards young women’s attitudes of their own body weight dissatisfaction (Jacobi Cash‚ 1994). This dissatisfaction stems from discrepancies between the accepted standard of female body image repeatedly shown in today’s media and their own bodies leading to the formation of attitudes that their own weight is not adequate. For example, a meta-analysis comparing the results of 25 studies that presented media imagesRead MoreThe Study Of Body Image1572 Words  | 7 PagesThe study of body image is a broad topic that touches many subjects including gender. However, the study of body image has been focused mainly on females. This is because the physical shape and image of male bodies have not changed over the history. From the ancient Greek until the modern era, the masculinity is the predominant stereo type for men. Masculine traits include courage, independence and assertiveness (Judith, 2001; Murray, 2000). In contrast to the male body, the female figures have beenRead MoreThe Negative Impact Of Social Media And Body Image1452 Words  | 6 Pagesthe tremendous exposure to the media has a negative impact in the consumers and their health, as well as their body image. The ideal body image that is seen by today’s society is tall, thin, muscular, and fit. It is constantly advertised in various forms of media including, such as televisions, magazines, internet, and smartphone devices, which make others feel insecure about appearance and health. The constant reinforcement of the ideal body image throughout the media negatively impacts society throughRead MoreAnalysis of Article: â€Å"Influence of Mass Media on Body Image and Eating Disordered Attitudes and Behaviors in Females†by Jordi Fauquet, et al.747 Words  | 3 PagesMass media consists of a range of multi media technologies that have enhanced our way of communication. The media conveys norms and attitudes that socially construct those who are involved. Inadvertently, the media depicts a widely accepted misconception of personal image. â€Å"Influence of Mass Media on Body Image and Eating Disordered Attitudes and Behaviors in Females†reveals the high correlation between media content and females’ idea of beauty. Although the article does not specify on their intendedRead MoreSocial Media And Its Impact On Society1224 Words  | 5 Pages Social media is a variety of platforms provided to the public as a medium for expression and communication. Seemingly, social media could be viewed as a positive contribution to society, but one must consider the underlying effects of society. Many of us don’t take into account the role that social media plays in the way we perceive things, think, and live our lives. Social media plays a critical part in societal norms. â€Å"Social norms are rules of conduct that governs interactions among individualsRead MoreThe Effects Of Beauty Standards On Body Image1090 Words  | 5 PagesThe Effects of Beauty Standards Understanding the effects of beauty standards to both men and women requires research of both sexes and different orientations in regard to the influence the media has on them. While cultural standards contribute to beauty standards, media carries most of the responsibility for swaying public opinion of attractiveness. In order to find an answer as to why certain beauty standards currently exist, one must examine the root cause: media. Literature Reviewed First Group
Monday, May 18, 2020
The Effects Of Dementia On Alzheimer s Disease And...
The Effects of Dementia Alex Guthrie University of Tennessee Chattanooga Introduction Dementia is a chronic illness that effects millions of Americans annually with increasing numbers. The general understanding of dementia is that it affects the mind, and while it does affect the mind, entangles much more than just that. Dementia engulfs a patient s mind, family, a level of caregiving, and an involvement in research of the disease. The Mind Adults age 65 years and older make up around 13 percent of the population (39 million people). This number is likely to increase significantly over the next 30+ years to encompass about 20 percent of the population (88.5 million). It is gathered that about 1 in 10 adults age 65†¦show more content†¦Behavioral changes can include increased aggression and disruptiveness. This behavior can almost be perceived as a deterioration or demotion in a person’s maturity. While it most certainly is not, it happens in a way that an individual seemingly regresses in their decision making and maturity. It is theorized that some of the behavioral research done on other populations of similar behavioral competency (child like behavior) could be done on an elderly population suffering from the behavioral regression of dementia. There has been little research such as this done, however. Currently, there is no cure for dementia. There are some drug therapies that are currently i n use to help increase the chemical acetylcholine in the brain in an attempt to aid in memory retention and judgement. A few drugs in the class are: Donepezil, Rivastigmine, and Galantamine. These have been attempted treatments for the disease, but have had mixed results. In some cases such treatments have come up short, and in drastic cases, these treatments have made matters worse for some patients. Some of these treatments have been known to cause confusion, delirium, and even increased risk of mortality. An alternative to these medicinal treatments have been almost strictly environmental. This has been through the application of behavior-analytic principles that help see future problems before they arise. This application also allows for an more individualized care plan for
Tuesday, May 12, 2020
The Importance Of Managing The Challenges Of Recruitment...
Importance of Managing the Challenges Recruitment and Selection It is important to manage the recruitment and selection process because when an organisation hires the right person who has the right skills and competencies to the job it reduces turnover. Having interviews and reference checks to ensure that the organisation employs a candidate who is reliable and carries out the objectives you planned for providing good quality work. The main objective of the recruitment and selection process is for an organisation to find potential employees who be best suited for the vacancy. The HR department of the ERHA intended role is to staff the organisation with the right people to do an excellent job, who has the relevant experience, skills and knowledge. A Point often overlooked, is recruitment should not be a question of filling gaps, instead, should be proactively focused on bringing the specific candidate within the organisation with the right skills and experiences. In that event, having a good recruitment and selection process ensures compliance with the legal requirements as in the Labour Relations Act of Trinidad and Tobago. This process should be transparent and should guarantee privacy and equal opportunity legislation (Industrial Court of Trinidad and Tobago, 2009). Managing and making faithful decisions within the recruitment and selection unit is critical. Ensuring fair play when hiring and giving each candidate a chance to prove what they can bring to theShow MoreRelatedRecruitment, Selection, And Selection Essay1685 Words  | 7 PagesThe topics I am going to discuss in this assignment are Recruitment and Selection. According to Foot and Hook (2011:161), ‘’Recruitment is commonly referred to as the attraction phase (e.g. Murphy, 2008b) and can be further defined as all activities directed towards locating potential employees, stimulating the interests of potential applicants and attracting applications from suitable ca ndidates’’. 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The customers or guests are always right. This principle necessitated application of management principles in the hotel industry and the hotel professionals realized theinstrumentality of marketing principles in managing the hotel industry.The concept of total quality management is found getting an important place in the marketing management of hotels. The emerging positive trend in thetourism industry indicates that hotel industry is like a reservoir from whereRead MoreHuman Resource Management Is The Body Of Knowledge And A Set Of Practices1336 Words  | 6 PagesResource Management is the body of knowledge and a set of practices that define the nature of work and regulate th e employment relationship. 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Innumerable recruitment decisions have been made on the basis of interpersonal chemistry between interviewer and candidate; some of these decisionsRead MoreInformation Regarding The Job Performance Of Candidates1597 Words  | 7 Pagesinstitution realised that the high turnover undermines the development of activities within the organisation and as a result the quality of customer service. Therefore, the organisation was invited to join a team that was responsible for the recruitment and selection of human resources of this entity in an attempt to resolve the issue. This team, with the help and proper monitoring of those responsible for its services, acted to reduce this turnover. In accordance of Siddique (2014), the consequence
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Covenants Of The Bible, There Are Many Covenants - 2047 Words
In the Bible, there are many covenants. Through a series of covenants, God enters into people’s life and brings people together. The idea of the covenant has been described by Hugenberger as follows: â€Å"A covenant, in its normal sense, is an elected, as opposed to natural, relationship of obligation under oath.†(Jefferey 10) His definition follows that of Mendenhall, who defines covenant more broadly as a â€Å"solemn promise made binding by an oath, which may be either a verbal formula or a symbolic oath.†(Jefferey 10)Like a covenant, a contract is also a binding agreement between two parties that spells out the conditions and obligations of each party, and it also represents commitments, promises and obligations. Although covenants from God, which appear in both the Old and New Testaments, share similar traits with modern treaties or contracts, God’s covenants are still far more important and powerful than any modern treaty or contract. This will be proven by explaining covenants, more specifically, its origins, the traits involved, and how they differ from modern day contracts and treaties. First of all, covenants and contracts come from different origins. One is created by the supreme leader of the world - God; the other is originated from ordinary humankind. The idea of the contract evolves out of human institutions, but the idea of the covenant is rooted in the very nature of God. The stories in the Bible which speaks about the covenants give us anShow MoreRelatedEssay on Covenant Throughout The Old and New Testaments1319 Words  | 6 Pages Those contracts took on many forms and different customs were associated with each. These contracts also called covenants and have many different uses and meanings throughout the bible. Some commitments made in these covenants had been accompanied by self-maledictory oaths or curses that would have been implemented if the covenants were violated (New International Version 25). There are numerous ways to translate the word covenant, and many different types of covenants that are in use throughoutRead MoreThe Old Testament: The Five Covenants Essay1550 Words  | 7 Pagesword ‘covenant’ is, in the Old Testament, it is the Hebrew word ‘berith’ and is used many times in different texts. Some scholars my say that the word covenants is hard to find a true meaning. You will hear the word covenant throughout the Old Testament. I think sometimes when we hear the word covenant only one or two covenants come to mind. There are many covenants throughout the Bible. I will attempt to define and explain five covenants. These five covenants are: Noahic Covenant, AbrahamicRead MoreResearch Paper1634 Words  | 7 Pages A covenant is a promise or an agreement with binding obligations. (Arnold) In relations to the Bible it signifies God’s pledge to bless mankind. The characteristics of a covenant are such that they are irreversible and permanently binding. The Bible contains many covenants, most of which are contained in the Old Testament. One of which is prophesized in the Old Testament, and for Christians the promise is fulfilled in the New Testament. The major covenants in the Bible are the NoahicRead MoreThe Idea Of A Covenant1706 Words  | 7 PagesMany people have a different understanding of what the word â€Å"covenant†truly is but to the Catholic Church, it only has one correct meaning. According to the Catholic teaching, a covenant is said to be a binding agreement between man and God in which you cannot break. It is something not to be taken lightly but rather to heart however it is often compared to a contract which many feel are not similar in any form. With this i n mind, the purpose of this paper is to examine the notion of a covenantRead MoreCommon Biblical Theme1333 Words  | 6 Pagestheme of the Bible? If so how did you answer that question? My response to this question would be that we all must consider the fundamentals of the Bible. If the Bible is truly one book, the answer would have to be yes. This is most certainly the answer of Christian people from many places. Places with different languages, and a culture in which, for almost 2000 years, have continued to proclaim that the Bible is a revelation from God, our Heavenly Father. When looking through the Bible, you willRead MoreAnalysis Of The Bible : Course Facilitator Essay1160 Words  | 5 Pagesto interpret the Bible, however, there are many incorrect ways and much arguing over who is more correct. Most of this has to do with Satanists who go incognito as Christians in order to mislead man away from God. Many sincere people fall prey to these Satanists incognito, and through the sincerity of their belief, persuade others that their misunderstanding is the correct way. Do not trust a person s sincerity. Read the Bible and pray to God for understanding and read the Bible again. It helpsRead MoreThe Religion Of The Bible1537 Words  | 7 Pagesthings that has helped us to teach in order to grow has been the Covenant Affirmations. One affirmation, the centrality of the Scripture, has been at the core of our ministry at Elements. We have always stood upon the belief that the Bible is the ultimate source on Christian living. This was our stance even before we affiliated with the Evangelical Covenant Church. The Bible stands alone in this area. At our church, the Bible is the center of our preaching, teaching and small groups. Our smallRead More Promises To Keep Essay1279 Words  | 6 PagesPromises To Keep The covenant has been a major theme in the books of Genesis and Exodus. A covenant is an agreement between two parties, which is not intended to be broken. On several occasions, God has established a covenant with certain people in order to bless them. In return, they would love, serve, and obey Him as their one true God. The first major covenant God made was with Noah. During Noah’s time, the world became a haven of wickedness in a multitude of ways. God’s heart was grievedRead MoreCovenant Theology: The Relationship of the Jewish People to God and Israel764 Words  | 3 PagesCovenant theology: The relationship of the Jewish people to God and Israel In the Torah, the bond between Israel and God is negotiated in terms of a covenant, or a legal obligation. The relation of man to the Deity was also conceived of in Biblical times as a covenant concluded by God with certain men or nations, from which all laws derived their sanctity and perpetuity. God, when creating the heavens and the earth, made a covenant with them to observe the rules of day and night (Covenant, 1906Read MoreAbrahamic Covenant of Grace Essay1231 Words  | 5 PagesCOVENANT OF GRACE The New Testament portion of the Bible is widely accepted as the book of hope, grace, love and forgiveness. However, the Old Testament also provides evidence of God’s grace and love for his people. Richard Dawkins opposes this view of the Old Testament God .Richard Dawkins in his book, The God of Delusion states that the God of the Old Testament is a God who is unjust, unforgiving, and vindictive amongst many other negative human nature attributes. Richard Dawkins view of God
Bio Answers Free Essays
Lecture Quiz- 10/9/2010 Answer Key 1. The scientific study of life is called: A. biology B. We will write a custom essay sample on Bio Answers or any similar topic only for you Order Now ecology C. anatomy D. biochemistry E. limnology 2. Human beings are _______________ because they are composed of many cell types. A. unicellular B. acellular C. asymmetrical D. autotrophic E. multicellular 3. A/an _______ is composed of a group of similar cells that perform a particular function. A. organ B. system C. organism D. tissue E. population 4. Choose the CORRECT order (1-5) of increasing complexity/organization. A. 1) tissues, (2) organ systems, (3) cells, (4) organs, (5) organism B. (1) cells, (2) organ systems, (3) tissues, (4) organs, (5) organism C. (1) tissues, (2) organs, (3) organ systems, (4) cells, (5) organism D. (1) cells, (2) tissues, (3) organs, (4) organ systems, (5) organism 5. In an experiment designed to test the effect of temperature on goldfish respiration, the temperatures that were changed represent the ______ variable. A. control B. responding C. experimental D. correlative E. placebo 6. Which of the following is considered a basic tissue type? A. epithelial B. connective C. muscle D. nervous E. All of the above 7. ____________ exist as small biconcave blood cells that lack a nucleus when they are mature and carry oxygen throughout the body. A. Neutrophils B. Erythrocytes C. Platelets D. Monocytes E. Lymphocytes 8. ___________ receives sensory input, integrates data, and conducts impulses. A. Epithelial tissue B. Connective tissue C. Muscular tissue D. Nervous tissue E. Vascular tissue 9. The phospholipid bilayer that surrounds/maintains the integrity of a cell is called a: A. plasma membrane B. Sanger enclosure C. hydrophobic membrane D. dialysis membrane E. mosaic membrane 10. _____________ are small membranous structures that occur within the cell and have various functions. A. Matrices B. Organelles C. Cytoskeleton D. Golgi bodies E. Ribosomes 11. In the fluid-mosaic model of the plasma membrane, the phospholipid molecules are oriented so that the _____________ heads are facing the outside environment and the ________________ tails are facing the interior of the membrane. A. hydrophobic, hydrophilic B. hydrophilic, hydrophobic C. utotrophic, heterotrophic D. heterotrophic, autotrophic E. ectothermic, endothermic 12. The diffusion of water across a semi-permeable membrane is called: A. denaturation B. osmosis C. dispersion D. dissociation E. reconstitution 13. Choose the CORRECT statement about solute concentrations or particles inside and outside the cell. A. In a hypertonic solution, there are more particles inside the cell. B. In a hypotonic solution, there are more pa rticles outside the cell. C. In an isotonic solution the number of particles is equal. D. Lysis usually occurs when a cell is exposed to hypertonic solutions. E. Lysis occurs when a cell is exposed to an isotonic solution 14. The assisted transport of a molecule across the cell membrane without an expenditure of energy is known as ______. A. diffusion B. facilitated transport C. active transport D. osmosis E. None of the choices are correct. 15. The _______ is a stack of slightly curved saccules that are important in packaging and secretion. A. mitochondria B. vacuoles C. Golgi apparatus D. lysosomes E. Endoplasmic reticulum 16. Molecular biologists have determined that during protein synthesis that the messenger RNA exits the nucleus through small openings in the nuclear envelope. These openings are known as ____. A. nuclear pores B. nucleoli C. Golgi bodies D. lysosomes E. peroxisomes 17. Glycolysis occurs within the ___________ and the citric acid cycle and electron transport chain occur within the _____________. A. mitochondrion, cytoplasm B. mitochondrion, plasma membrane C. cytoplasm, mitochondrion D. cytoplasm, lysosome E. plasma membrane, cytoplasm 18. The formation of ______ bonds involves the transfer of electrons from one atom to another nearby atom. A. covalent B. ionic C. hydrogen D. polar E. all of the above 19. In an acidic solution: A. the number of H+ is less than the number of OHB. the number of OH- is greater than the number of H+ C. the number of H+ is equal to the number of OHD. the number of H+ is greater than the number of OHE. none of the above 20. Glucose breakdown leads to _________. A. DNA replication B. ATP buildup C. RNA synthesis D. ATP degradation E. ADP breakdown How to cite Bio Answers, Papers
Donatello 2 Essay Research Paper Donatello s free essay sample
Donatello 2 Essay, Research Paper Donatello s work has everlastingly changed the manner that art is created, viewed, and interpreted. By and large, this Italian Renaissance sculpturer is considered by most experts to be one of the greatest sculpturers of all clip ; he is besides thought of as the laminitis of modern sculpture. Donatello s impact on the art universe will neer be able to be genuinely measured. He had such an influence on creative persons that his techniques are still used by sculpturers today. Donatello was born Donnato Di Niccolo Di Betto Bardi in Florence, Italy. Most records show that he was born in the twelvemonth 1386, although the existent day of the month of his birth is unknown. His male parent, Niccolo di Betto Bardi, was a Florentine wool comber ; but Donatello, unlike most boies of that clip, had no programs of following in his male parent s footfalls. While nil is known of his childhood, instruction, nor of his preparation in sculpture, it is assumed that around 1400 he began larning rock carving from one of the sculpturers working for the cathedral of Florence. It has been estab-lished that at the age of 17, he met, learned from, and worked for Lorenzo Ghiberti, a celebrated sculpturer in bronze. As a member of Ghiberti s workshop, Donatello assisted in constructing and adorning the celebrated bronzy north doors of the baptismal font of San Giovanni in Florence, a undertaking that took more than twenty old ages to finish. Not merely did Donatello work with celebrated sculpturers of his clip, but besides with the celebrated designer, Filippo Brunelleschi. With Brunelleschi, Donatello reputedly visited Rome in the early old ages of the fifteenth century in order to analyze the memorials of antiquity. Curiously adequate, Filippo started out as more of a sculpturer in Ag and gold than as an designer. He had entered the competition for the celebrated design competition for the bronzy doors of the Florence Baptistery in 1401 but, of class, he lost the competition to Lorenzo Ghiberti, who was assisted by Donatello. After working with Lorenzo and Filippo, Donatello started his ain calling as a sculpturer. Donatello s sculpting calling can be divided into three periods where the influences in his work took on different manners. The first or formative old ages came before 1425, when Donatello used a Gothic influence along with realistic and classical motive. The graceful, quietly curved lines of the Gothic manner paid testimonial to his debt to Ghiberti s instructions. Donatello s sculptures which showed this peculiar manner were all created for churches and other big edifices in Firenze: Saint Mark at the Church of Or San Michele, -2- Saint John the Evangelist at the Opera del Duomo, Saint George at the Museo Nazionale, and Joshua, at the belfry of the cathedral. The statue of Saint Mark was commissioned by the Arte del Linaioli ( the Guild of Linen Merchants ) in 1411. Saint Mark was made for the church of Orsanmichele and kept in its Tabernacle until late when it was restored and removed to be placed in a museum. The statue of Saint Mark is an first-class illustration of the classical manner that Donatello had in the first period of his work. Soon after Donatello finished the work of Saint Mark, he started on Saint John the Evangelist, which he worked on from 1413 through 1415. This statue was paired with the other Evangelists and all were placed together in the Tabernacle of the church of Santa Maria del Fiore. In 1587, all of the Evangelist statues, including Saint John, were taken to the Museum of the Opera del Duomo where soon they are still seen today. Another sculpture that demonstrates this first period of Donatello s work is the sculpture of Saint George. Following the creative activity of his statue of Saint John, Donatello s Saint George, commissioned by the Armourer s -3- Guild, was sculpted about 1416 and placed in a niche of the north wall in the church of Orsanmichele. The Italian author, Giorgio Vasari, gave his positive assessment of Saint George in his best known book on the lives of major creative persons of the Italian Renaissance: Vite de Piu Eccellenti Pittori, Scultori, ed Architetti Italiani ( English interlingual rendition: Lifes of the Artists ) . Subsequently, when the statue of Saint George was transferred to the Tabernacle of the Arte dei Medici vitamin E Speziali, its beauty was diminished, which besides led to diminishing its celebrity. After making these sculptures, Donatello extended a different influence to his plants. The 2nd period of Donatello s calling existed between the old ages of 1425 and 1443. During this period, Donatello s work took on more of a trust on the theoretical accounts and the rules of the sculpture of antiquity. In the 1420 s and 1430 s, Donatello became a spouse with the celebrated designer and sculpturer, Michelozzo Di Bartolomeo, as they worked in the Baptistery on the grave for antipope John XXIII and the memorial to Bartolomeo Aragazzi among other committees. On these plants, Michelozzo would give Donatello the architectural designs and so Donatello would transform the programs into statues. As immature creative persons, the -4- two work forces had worked together when they assisted Lorenzo Ghiberti with the celebrated bronzy north doors of the Florence Baptistery. Subsequently, after working together for a clip, Michelozzo became the head designer for the Medici household ; Donatello went on to sculpt in Rome. During the old ages of 1430 through 1433, Donatello spent most of his clip in Rome where he created such great plants as the ciborium in the vestry of the Basilica of Saint Peter. This superb sculpture was decorated with two of his most celebrated alleviations: Worshipping Angels and the Burial of Christ. After disbursement clip in Rome, Donatello moved on to Florence where he so created a piece of art that is remembered by all who view it his statue of David. The bronze statue of David, created by Donatello, was the first nude, freestanding sculpture of the Renaissance ; the intricate inside informations show the deepness of Donatello s creativeness. Vasari s description of Donatello s David is lighting: In the courtyard in the castle of the Sigtnoria stands a bronzy statue of Davi vitamin D, a bare figure, life-size ; holding cut off the caput of Goliath, David is raising his pes and puting it on him, and he has a blade in his right manus. This figure is so natural -5- in its vivacity and softness that artists find it barely possible to believe it was non molded on the life signifier. It one time stood in the courtyard of the house of the Medici, but was moved to its new place after Cosimo s exile. It is questionable whether the metropolis of Florence or a private frequenter commissioned the 185-cm statue. Although it was originally intended for the cathedral, David was placed in the chief courtyard of the Medici Riccardi castle. In 1495, David was moved to the courtyard of Palazzo Vecchio ( the metropolis hall ) and placed on a marble platform where it stood as a civic-patriotic symbol until 1555. After legion moves David was transferred to the Bargello where it still stands today. This beautiful statue was Donatello s last before he moved into the concluding phase of his calling. However, from the sixteenth century on, Donatello s David was over-shadowed by Michelangelo s larger-than-life David, which is still more widely seen today in the Louvre in Paris. It was during Donatello s 3rd and concluding phase of his calling that he left Florence and traveled to Padua. It was here he broke off from classical influences and his work emphasized pragmatism # 8211 ; the portraiture of character and dramatic action. Important sculptures at this clip included -6- work for the Paduan church of St. Antonio: a bronze rood and a new high communion table incorporating 7 lifesize bronze statues ; a big limestone alleviation entitled Entombment of Christ ; and 21 bronze alleviations, the finest being the four miracles of St. Anthony ( one alleviation consists of more than 100 figures ) . Donatello s Gattamelata was the first bronze equestrian statue since the Roman Empire when such statues were limited to swayers ; it is considered to be one of the best-proportioned sculptures of all time. Another celebrated Donatello bronze is the dramatic group, Judith and Holofernes. Donatello originated the sculpting technique known as stiacciato, which means flattened out ; this involves highly shallow carving throughout a panel, making a more dramatic consequence of atmospheric infinite. While a Ghiberti alleviation is haptic and can be read by a unsighted adult male, a relief stiacciato, or flattened relief panel depends on ocular perceptual experiences and seems to be made of much deeper cuts and carvings. As with his childhood, there seems to be small dependable information known about Donatello s character and personality. He neer married nor had kids. A adult male of simple gustatory sensations, Donatello was non considered easy to work with, demanding his ain step of artistic freedom in a -7- clip when working conditions for creative persons were regulated by club regulations. While non a civilized mind like Leonardo district attorney Vinci and Michelangelo, Donatello was basically a realist. Greatly influenced by antique art and Humanist theories, Donatello s Humanist friends considered him a cognoscente of ancient art. Donatello died December 13, 1466. Although his concluding work, the twin bronze daiss for St. Lorenzo, had to be completed by lesser creative persons, the daiss show great religious deepness and complexness. His debut of the shallow-relief technique ( rilievo stiacciato ) , bronzy sculpture, and characterized figures as persons, provided stepping rocks for other sculpturers of his twenty-four hours and were a major influence in developing pragmatism in Italian picture. Considered one of the greatest Italian sculpturers, Donatello s influence and impact on the art and creative persons of Florence and northern Italy in the fifteenth century was genuinely great. Among his legion students, Desiderio da Settignano, who helped in the building of David, was possibly the most of import. In the 16th century Donatello s work became good known with positive Hagiographas from such great writers as Vasari, who gave Donatello the existent attending that his work deserved for all of its item and beauty. Although Donatello knew some celebrity throughout his life- clip, during the 17th and 18th centuries, his plants went mostly unnoticed by the populace and were apparently known merely in local clubs. It was non until the nineteenth century that Donatello s plants were eventually rediscovered and his chef-doeuvres of Saint George and David became an emblem of early Renaissance statuary. Today Donatello s work is world-renown ; it has influenced the lives of sculpturers and is admired by practically every art cognoscente and layperson alike who views it. The term, Renaissance Man, does non mention entirely to person who lived during the 14th through the 16th centuries, the period in history known as the Renaissance. It refers to a individual who can make many things and stand out in all of them. To be able to suit this rubric, you must hold accomplishments in a assortment of countries. You can non merely do many different things, but you have to be able to make all of them really good. There are many people who define the rubric of a Renaissance Man. Possibly the most celebrated illustration of a Renaissance Man would be Leonardo da Vinci. Not merely was da Vinci famous for his pictures, in peculiar, the Mona Lisa ; but, he besides succeeded in analyzing the universe itself and medicate. Many studies and drawings of district attorney Vinci s demo how he studied the wings of birds ; they illustrate how he thought worlds could utilize wings to wing by themselves. Another, Michelangelo, fit the definition because of his first-class accomplishments as a sculpturer, artist/painter, musician, and designer. These were non merely trades Michelangelo could execute, but he excelled in every one of them. While Donatello does non suit the true description of a Renaissance Man, as many of his coevalss do, his accomplishments in sculpting entirely do him an of import portion of art history. Even though he is non a Renaissance adult male by definition, Donatello has achieved his ain note-worthy celebrity. The niche that Donatello carved for himself in the art universe has had an highly long-reaching influence on contemporary sculpturers for that we can be most grateful.
Sunday, May 3, 2020
Me Too- Expressive Counseling Technique free essay sample
Name of Technique The technique is called â€Å"Me Too†and functions as a counseling game. It is appropriate to use as a counseling intervention for children in middle and high school grades. Summary of Technique This technique can be used as an icebreaker or counseling activity for group counseling. The counselor would write statements on individual index cards or pieces of paper that relate to identified and/or targeted problems. The statements can be read aloud to the group either by the counselor or by taking turns by individual clients. Once a statement is read, if a member of the client group agrees with the statement, he/she can say â€Å"Me Too†. For example, if a group counseling session is for clients whose families are transitioning through a divorce, a statement could be â€Å"Sometimes I feel guilty that my parents separated†. If a client agrees with the statement, he/she would say ‘me too’. We will write a custom essay sample on Me Too- Expressive Counseling Technique or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page A variation of this technique would be for the group to stand in a circle, once a statement is read and a client agrees with the statement, he/she can say ‘me too’ and step inside the circle. Objectives The objective of this technique would be to build group rapport, build group cohesion, engage clients, identify emotional problems, and to facilitate emotional expression. Materials Index Cards/Paper Markers Procedure Preparation †¢ Write 7-10 statements relating to the group counseling topic and related problem on individual index cards or on individual pieces of paper. Execution 1. Ask students to make a circle. 2. Explain the game by stating: . â€Å"Today we’re going to play a game called ‘Me Too’. I’m going to read a statement aloud. If you agree with the statement say ‘Me Too’ and take a step into the circle. I will tell you when to rejoin the circle at the end of each statement. †4. After each statement ask the student to rejoin the circle. Continue the activity until each statement has been read. Debrief 5. Encourage students to discuss and process the statements from the activity. [pic]
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